Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

On-Boarding Made easier

Our on-boarding process is super easy. Two methods you can signup with us. 1. Auto Signup: You do not need to contact any sales person to create your COD account, just fill the required fields and you're done. 2. Fill up COD account opening form, our sales team shall contact you shortly (usually 2-3 hours) and shall brief you about the services and shall share username and password accordingly.

  • Step: 1

    Create Your Account with auto signup Or manually through our team

  • Step: 2

    Place Your Order

  • Step: 3

    We Collect It

  • Step: 4



Urgency ? Cant wait for COD account ? If you have urgent shipments to send and you cant wait for our callback; Click below and instantly create your account & book shipments. Don’t forget to call us once you are done with account creation for pricing and other account configurations.


Auto Signup for COD Account